My book …It’s Never Too Late To Be Worthy of …helps my reader press their “reset to worthy” button. This action elevates our self-regard thereby bringing us into a more worthy whole. Life’s twists and turns will injure our sense of worthiness, so to unlock our potential we need to be led to ways which will reconnect us. Through reflection and objection, my guidebook suggests many ceremonies designed to impress the subconscious mind by doing daily activities helpful in returning us to our birthright of having been born Worthy!
By asking the question ..What do you feel worthy of, right now?…begins the emotional chain of positive and hope-filled reactions. Worthiness is a treasure and now is the time to open the door and begin your own treasure hunt, in search of happiness, serenity, harmony, authenticity, and abundance.
By designing a foundation to living “Worthy”, the changes necessary become more easy to achieve. We begin with faith in ourselves, belief in our higher Power and trust in the universe to bring miracles into our lives. Starting with matters that are small, easy and comfortable help build the critical “worthy muscle “needed when faced with the large, difficult and uncomfortable ones.
Always remember that we are all tenderly connected so we are never alone on our journey. Begin with the power of hope and the knowledge that we can make the necessary changes to create a new life path that is more abundant, more joyous and more fulfilling than we ever imagined possible.