So… as a child, I secured my parent’s protection with their seemingly endless navigation of my limits involved with the use of the word, NO. As a teen, their, as well as others, authoritative figure tone becomes louder as I tested the boundaries associated with the “coming of age”. Thankfully, I remained mainly intact by respecting the important lesson involved in the fine art of refusal.
What happened to my relationship with that priceless word as an adult… (necessary to keep me sane as well as safe) …as it came to the endless tap I permitted in my life. Why was I so reluctant to use the word NO when it came to ridiculous requests which kept me firmly planted on the bottom of my life list. What did I fear in disappointing others for a change in support of not constantly disappointing myself? Why was I so unworthy of saying….”I am sorry but …NO…you are asking too much of me “!
I finally came to realize that without using the power strongly embedded in the word NO…I couldn’t receive the beautiful gifts attached to the word YES in my life.
Yes …to the quiet reflections necessary to learn and grow.
Yes …to the joyful excursions needed to refill my center.
Yes… to the use of my talent to help others as their talents have been such a help to me.
The question is…what shall your new found life view of saying NO when it is necessary to your wellness… bring in worthy wins, positive platforms, and grace-filled gratitudes. Always remember… It’s Never Too Late to Begin to Color your World Worthy!